Parade of Homes

2022 committee members
Jason Lutz
Lutz Construction, (none)
Joy Watts
Watts Homes & Construction, President/CEO
Vicki Gesmundo
AVB - American Village Builders, AFFILIATE
Valentina Rangelova Velkova
ADIDA Architectural Design, Interior Design and Art, President of ADIDA, LLC
Valentina Rangelova Velkova is the president of ADIDA, which is an acronym for her specialty - Architectural Design, Interior Design & Art. Valenti...
James Schuon
Jim Schuon Photographer, owner
Maggie Harma
Independent Bank, Residential Loan Officer
Beth Lawrence, Allied ASID
Woodsmiths, Inc, Kitchen & Bath Designer
Mike Smith
Bekins Appliance & Electronics, Sales Professional
Jennifer Baker
Wenke Flooring & Design, Store Manager
Dan Mejeur
Pennings & Sons, Business Manager